Medical School in Prague

Medical School in Europe

Medical Studies

Medicine & Surgery in Prague

Medical School in Europe

Medical school in Europe is becoming more, and more popular and you may wonder how so. Well, here is why.

Medical schools in the US, Canada and other locations around the globe are becoming so expensive that it is incredible that the demand for medical degrees in Europe just started booming in the recent previous years.

If you think about it, an average American student will spend around 300,000 American dollars in just his/her medical degree, but the worst part is that most students will not count on such amounts to pay for college and this is how banks and loan providers make millions. By lending thousands to just one student.

Consequently, the student has to pay this back and dedicate a long number of years of his salary as a medical doctor just for this.

Of course, some Universities with huge names will give you as well the opportunity for very high salaries but nonetheless, the debts will have to be covered and it is a big gamble to make.

Behold to Medical Schools for international students in Europe!

Europe is offering right now hundreds of medical degrees for a mere fraction of the tuition fees you would pay in the US or in Canada.

Yes, you may be thinking that some medical schools will not be as good or as prestigious as the ones you would have in the US and for the most part you would be correct on this, however, not everything is black and white.

King Charles Medical College is a school created together with one of the most prestigious universities in Europe and in the World, the first faculty of medicine at Charles University in Prague.

Charles University is today, one of the most prestigious universities that you can find in Europe and a TOP 1% in the world.

Charles University offers significant opportunities for rotations and residency options for all its students.

So what do you need to know about Charles University and King Charles College?

King Charles College offers a foundation of 5 months and 10 months in which one prepares strongly for a medical degree in Europe, admission exams to all medical universities in Europe (offering international programs) and intense preparation for local programs.

Why would you do a medical degree in a local program (studying in the local language)? – Because they’re FREE. Yep, 0 Tuition fees, ZERO, NADA. You don’t need to take any loans, you don’t need to break your skull against the wall and you can dedicate your very well-earned paycheck of a medical doctor for yourself and your family (NOT for loans).

So how does this work?

Charles University offers local programs conducted in the local language that is free for everyone who’s accepted.

All you must know is that you must achieve a C1 level (advanced level) in the Czech language and of course, pass the admission exam.

King Charles Medical School will prepare you for all this and more.

During the 10-month intensive program, you will be able to learn the language to reach the necessary level and prepare for the admission exams and medical degree at the same time.

The program takes place in Prague, from within Charles University campus and you live with other students from all over the world just like you.

The main difference with this program is that is really meant for everyone and you as a student have the chance to apply for a medical school with a degree taught entirely in English or in Czech and even if you never studied a language before, the foundation will teach you and prepare you for it.

Another big advantage is the name of the university. Charles University is worldwide recognized and accredited in full in the US, the UK and other countries, and the best of all, it offers an initiative for clinical rotations in your home country which allows all students from the international program to do part of the degree back home and in other countries. This is possible by connecting the student with affiliated partner hospitals the university has all over the world.

To summarize, when choosing a medical school in Europe, one should make sure it gives the opportunities needed after graduation while offering a great place as a medical student but nonetheless it fits your economic budget and does not hurt your economical future.