Medical School in Prague


Medical Studies

Medicine & Surgery in Prague

Cheapest European Countries to Study

Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia are among the cheapest European countries to study, in however, countries like the Czech Republic will offer you very affordable living costs while combining with an extremely high level of studies and opportunities after graduation.

What are the cheapest European countries to study in then?

European universities are gaining popularity each year with more, and more students coming from many distinct parts of the world.

Popular degrees to study are Medicine, Dentistry and Engineering among others, but on this article ,I will refer mainly to medical degrees since it’s what we specialize in at King Charles Medical College.

A medical degree in Europe can range from around 4,000 euros to all the way to 19,000 euros per each academic year.

But tuition is not the only factor you should consider.

Tuition is just a main expense when studying abroad in Europe a for a medical degree, however, other expenses like living costs, transport, recreational activities, etc, may have a higher cost in other countries where the tuition of the degree may be lower.

A good example for this are the public universities in Italy which offer exceptionally low tuition fees, sometimes of even 2,000 euros per year, but the living costs in Italy are quiet high, which means that the overall cost, including tuition and living expenses, can reach similar numbers to much more expensive universities where living costs are lower.

So, what does this mean? It means that you must count all expenses combined to get the better or cheaper option for you.

But, what about other factors like opportunities when you graduate?

It seems to me, that every time a student asks me which countries are cheaper, they tend to forget that the aim of studying at a university is to work afterwards in the newly acquired profession.

For instance, becoming a doctor from a less-known university will mean that you may have more difficulties finding a job and that job will likely pay less than the job you could get if you graduated from elsewhere.

I’m not saying that you should not study at cheaper universities but only saying that you should also investigate the opportunities for work and for specialisations after you graduate.

King Charles Medical College is an official medical foundation year from Charles University, the first faculty of medicine and like so, Charles will give you great opportunities after graduation.

For this reason, we highly recommend students to come to King Charles College and apply to Charles University.

Charles University is a TOP 1% medical school in the world offering students with opportunities such as full accreditation in the US, the UK and all over Europe; offering a vast connection of renowned teaching hospitals around the world and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study the last 3 years of the degree elsewhere and even back home.

What about students that need to apply for a student visa?

If you are not an EU citizen, you must also consider the expenses of issuing a student visa.

To issue a student visa, you must provide with proof of payment for the full tuition of your studies for the year in question, plus accommodation and health insurance.

This means that you must also put on the table the fact that you have to pay in advance for all those things before applying for a visa and in places where living costs are more expensive, so will your application be.

Apart from all this, in order to get a student visa, you must also prove that you have enough funds not to start working in the country. Usually, this means showing sufficient funds for several months, depending on the requirements of the country.

So what are the cheapest European countries to study? – Depends on the following:

1 Tuition Fees

2 Living Costs

3 Visa Procedures and Accommodation

4 Opportunities for after graduation

Good luck in your studies in Europe and feel free to contact King Charles College if you’re thinking on becoming a medical doctor in Europe.